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Month: August 2017

It will get easier

It will get easier

“I wish I could say it gets easier”. When I had a newborn baby, and even now with an almost two year old, people would always tell me that it only gets harder. When my baby started crawling people would say “now the trouble really starts!” As a first time parent I had no idea what to expect. The only thing I had to go on was seeing friends and family with babies and imagining it would be something like…

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Safety Essentials

Safety Essentials

There are a vast variety of things that you will want or need as a parent, from clothes and toys to feeding equipment and blankets, the list seems endless. That being said, I decided to compose a list of a few safety essentials that my husband and I ended up with and would recommend to others. Every baby is different and where some people only require the bear minimum of baby proofing, there are other parents whose children get into…

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Perfect Red Thai Curry

Perfect Red Thai Curry

This recipe is one of my all time favourites and very easy to make. I would even go so far as to say that it is probably the most authentic home made version I have ever tasted. I say this because it is in fact my mother in law’s recipe, who is from Thailand, and if she approves of this recipe then I have no doubt others will enjoy it also. To save time and money this recipe uses Mae…

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Things I wish I had known about having a newborn

Things I wish I had known about having a newborn

There are loads of things you won’t know about dealing with a newborn baby until you actually have one, but here are the things that I really wish I had known beforehand. 1. Bottles, bottles, bottles… You can never have too many bottles if you are formula feeding. When babies are newborn they feed every 3 hours, more or less, day and night. This may not let up until around 6 months when your baby can  (if you’re lucky) drop…

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Isabelle’s new pink toddler bedroom

Isabelle’s new pink toddler bedroom

It all happened relatively fast. One minute I was talking to my sister about Isabelle really not sleeping well in her room, the next thing I knew we were in the midst of moving Isabelle out of the tiny baby room and into daddy’s big office, in an attempt to see if it helped her sleeping. Swaperoo fun! I am definitely a woman on a mission when it comes to my projects, and this was certainly a big one. No….

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Isabelle’s bedroom idea board

Isabelle’s bedroom idea board

In order to sell the idea of a pink bedroom on my husband, I knew I’d need to incorporate some other colours. I looked all over the place for what might work as a compromise, whilst still remaining true to my vision. Instagram, Google and most importantly, Pintrest, were all my friends. I knew that I wanted a fairy/princess/ballet theme with lots of pink and whites. In fact, I would say that the Next range of kids fairy bed linen…

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