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Author: David Hing

David Hing is a father of one chaotic daughter, full time digital marketing person, occasional journalist and aspiring video game designer. He has begun developing an increasing love for children's television shows and looks forward to being able to play board games with the aforementioned chaotic daughter.
Can you play video games when you have a newborn baby?

Can you play video games when you have a newborn baby?

One of the toughest things you will have to do in the first few months of having a child is you will need to stay awake when your body is telling you you should not be awake and that it would really rather not be awake right now. One excellent way to fight sleep is with the assistance of video games, but which games can you play when you have a newborn? You might find you’re not in the right…

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Birth story: Five surprises I was not prepared for when my daughter was born

Birth story: Five surprises I was not prepared for when my daughter was born

The fifth surprise came as she looked down at the baby, bewilderment and tiredness in her eyes. “Well, that’s the first time I’ve done that!” She declared. This was the punchline to the rather surreal day we had just had. These words had been uttered by the wrong kind of wife. Whilst it was absolutely true for my wife, it was not my wife saying those words, but the midwife. As the three of us sat and lay there, each…

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